School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Alternate Form of Education

Quality education is expected everywhere in the world. School system must be based on the research, facts and findings of applied neuroscience to modulate the smart brainpage of knowledge transfer in the learning process of collaborative classroom.

Posts on the brainpage theory of knowledge transfer

  • Veda, Vigyan and Vastu: Pillars of Sanatan Knowledge Transfer
    The integration of Veda, Vigyan and Vastu in the Sanatan system of knowledge transfer provides a unique and powerful model for education. This system not only prepares individuals to excel in their respective fields but also helps them lead more balanced and meaningful lives.
  • How Mistakes Shape Our Learning: Importance of Learning from Mistakes
    The classroom culture of knowledge transfer highlights the benefits of structured reflection, enabling students to analyze their mistakes and refine their learning strategies for better outcomes. Pre-training learners should dive into how embracing mistakes can transform academic experiences, promoting a culture of continuous improvement and deeper knowledge transfer.
  • Mistake Correction: Navigating Student Learning Curve
    What is Knowledge Transfer? Learn about the importance of fostering a growth mindset in knowledge transfer environments, encouraging students to view challenges as opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Development of brainpage modules is everything in the collaborative classroom of knowledge transfer

Learnography is the alternate form of education which deals with the learning mechanism of brain. It is advanced in learning process and task is moderated in school hour instead of teaching. We know that a new chapter is always uneasy for understanding and learning.

It is often discussed that teaching can simplify difficult lessons and students will know the new chapter without hardships. It’s not true because student’s brain learning remains incomplete because of weak synaptic potentials and so teaching can’t help in problem solving activities. In fact, the brainpage of task formator recognizes the necessary pattern of subject matter and block solver is prepared to know new knowledge and hard tasks.

Knowledge is learnt in school and memory is retained in the different parts of brain. Students learn skill, knowledge and merit to gain experience at work performance. So school knowledge is transferred ultimately at workplace. We have to see the learnography of past five years what we have acquired and learnt in those years.

We can feel destiny at our hands. Chapter learning is stored in the different parts of brain and it takes long time to make proper brainpage and neural stream for plasticity. This is the lifelong ability of human brain to reorganize changes in behavior and skill learning. It requires the opening of synaptic potentials and corresponding neural stream which may take three weeks or more to develop the learning pathways of knowledge chapters.

Parents always seek good school for their children to achieve high academic performance in skill, knowledge, experience and behavior. School is space defined for reading, writing, understanding and learning. But the standard of school is observed by the set of high class teachers. We know that classroom teaching is everything in school education. It is changed in learnography that brainpage becomes everything in school system and learning is finished from source page through brainpage making process.

Listening to teachers for six hours a day is not the solution of knowledge achievement and personality development. Quality education is expected everywhere in the world. School system must be based on the research, facts and findings of applied neuroscience to modulate the smart brainpage of knowledge transfer in the learning process of collaborative classroom.

Brainpage School

Happiness Classroom ! Book is the transfer source of knowledge and student’s brain is the transfer target of learning. To be high performing students, make brainpage in collaborative classroom by applying the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer. The motor science of knowledge transfer should be launched in the classroom for the learning development and brainpage modules of Autistic or ADHD students. Let the students use motor knowledge to make smart brainpage in the classroom from book to brain direct learning transfer. The cyclozeid of knowledge transfer is rehearsed in the classroom to produce high speed zeidstream in the working mechanism of brain circuits.


12 responses to “Alternate Form of Education”

  1. Very informative post especially for teachers ,founders of schools and parents.I agree with you that parents or guardians look for good schools for the best education of their children but making the home to be a better place for education is also a part of the student’s performance.I know a lot of students who studied in ordinary schools and topped the most difficult Examinations of the country or the world.So I feel that there is a need for teachers and parents to go through your suggestions and tips to make learning a joyous activity and not a dull scary affairs.Thank you very much for sharing your experience and knowledge with us.👍🌹🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for so good comments. You are most welcome.


      1. 🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved this post, thank you for sharing, now if only the school system would understand this

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks ! It’s an effort to change the school system of teaching theories.

      You are most welcome.
      Happiness Classroom


  3. superiorfakedegree Avatar

    This is so well written and so wonderful. Thank you so much for this! Look forward to more of your articles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks ! You are most welcome.


  4. missybpropertycom Avatar

    The problem too with the transfer of knowledge is that after a while the source can become outdated and if the teacher isn’t willing to learn and adapt how can they convey the need to learn and create the critical and analytical thinkers we need today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks ! Whatever you have said, it’s based on the teaching theories and pedagogical methods of learning transfer. Students become totally dependent on the teachers and they don’t like even to touch any problem solving activities.

      Learnography deals with the brainpage theory of knowledge transfer in which book is the transfer source of knowledge and student’s brain is the transfer target of learning. Students will apply the seven dimensions of brain learnography to conduct book to brain knowledge transfer in the classroom.

      Seven dimensions of knowledge transfer are very effective to develop smart brainpage in the collaborative classroom. These dimensions can transform students into small teachers in learning process.

      Thanks for the comments
      You are most welcome.
      Happiness Classroom


  5. Your thoughts are mesmarising
    Please share and support this video


  6. Nice post. Education system is changing now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s true! System of knowledge transfer is important in the classroom.


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