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What is the organic control of corona virus and its transmission?

D2 solution of plant decomposers is prepared from culture, jaggery and mustard cakes. It may be used in spraying, washing and bathing to protect individuals from the infection of covid19. It’s organic control, not chemical sanitizer.

D2 solution is prepared from culture, jaggery and mustard cakes, used in spraying, washing and bathing

Decomposition is an important process because it allows organic materials to be recycled in the bio-mass of an ecosystem. A decomposer is an organism that breaks down organic materials such as the remains of dead organisms (plants and animals). Decomposers include bacteria and fungi. These organisms carry out the process of decomposition, which all living organisms undergo after death. Decomposers are categorized into two major types such as plant decomposer and animal decomposer.

The liquid preparation of plant decomposers controls plant viruses infected on leaves. But Covid19 is an animal virus that shows the symptoms of infection like influenza or dry colds. The regular use of D2 preparation in washing and bathing protects physical body from colds, coughing or sneezing. It also stops skin infections.

Dried clothes contain the thin layer of decomposers that can act as a shield against Covid-19 and keep safe from corona transmission. I am using liquid preparation in spraying, washing and bathing. Soap use is reduced by 80% and mosquito bite is also controlled in a great extent. I have tested plant decomposers in many cases of the organic farming and the result is amazing. Some Indian farmers are adding D1 solution in cattle fodder and good progress has been observed in the health of cows and buffaloes.

Extensive use of plant decomposers in organic farming may reduce CO2 level in the environment. It enhances photosynthesis by increasing the size of leaves and amount of chlorophyll in plants. This may be also the solution of climate change.

Role of decomposers in farming

Liquid preparation of plant decomposers can destroy corona viruses from multiplying in the surroundings and break the chain of covid-19 transmission. D2 solution of plant decomposers is prepared from culture, jaggery and mustard cakes. It may be used in spraying, washing and bathing to protect individuals from the infection of covid-19. It’s an organic control of the virus, not chemical sanitizer.

The common symptoms of corona virus include fever, cough, fatigue, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties, and sometimes loss of smell and taste. While most people have mild symptoms, some people develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) possibly precipitated by cytokine storm, multi-organ failure, septic shock and blood clots.

The incubation period of covid-19 virus may range from two to fourteen days. The virus is spread primarily via small droplets from coughing, sneezing and talking. The droplets are usually not airborne, however those standing in close proximity may inhale them and become infected. People may also become infected by touching a contaminated surface and then touching their face and nose. The transmission of corona virus may also occur through aerosols that can stay suspended in the air for longer periods of time in enclosed spaces.

Corona virus is most contagious during the first three days after the onset of symptoms, although spread is possible before symptoms appear and from people who are asymptomatic. The CT scan of chest may be helpful for the diagnosis in individuals where there is a high suspicion of infection based on symptoms and risk factors. However, guidelines do not recommend using CT imaging for routine screening. The standard method of diagnosis is by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) from a nasopharyngeal swab.

Decomposers are organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms, they carry out decomposition, a process possible by only certain kingdoms, divisions or classes, such as fungi or bacteria. Like herbivores and predators, decomposers are heterotrophic, meaning that they use organic substrates to get their energy, carbon and nutrients for growth and development. While the terms decomposer and detritivore are often interchangeably used, detritivores ingest and digest dead matter internally, while decomposers directly absorb nutrients through external chemical and biological processes.

Decomposers do not need to digest organic materials internally in order to break it down. Instead, they can break down matter through biochemical reactions. Some organisms perform similar functions as decomposers. Sometimes they are called decomposers, but they are technically detritivores. The difference lies in the way decomposers and detritivores break down organic materials. Detritivores have to digest organic material within their bodies in order to break it down and gain nutrients from it. Organisms that are detritivores include invertebrates such as earthworms, woodlice, sea stars, slugs and fiddler crabs.

Soil under the old tree rich in decomposers

Decomposers such as microbes, bacteria and fungi are thought as the primary source of litter and wastes in the ecosystem. Bacteria are unicellular organisms and are decomposers as well. Unlike bacteria, most saprotrophic fungi grow as a branching network of hyphae. While bacteria are restricted to growing and feeding on the exposed surfaces of organic matter, fungi can use their hyphae to penetrate larger pieces of organic matter below the surface.

Additionally, only wood-decay fungi have evolved the enzymes necessary to decompose lignin, a chemically complex substance found in wood. These two factors like hyphae and enzymes make fungi the primary decomposers in forests, where the litter has high concentrations of lignin and often occurs in large pieces. Fungi decompose organic matter by releasing enzymes to break down decaying materials. After that they absorb the nutrients in the decaying leaves and wood. Hyphae are also used to break down matter and absorb nutrients.

Decomposers may have such enzymes or organic acids that can dissolve the lipid layers of corona virus. D1 is pure culture while D7 is plant feeder. D2 solution is prepared from culture, jaggery and mustard cakes, used in spraying, washing and bathing. Decomposer is used in organic farming to prepare fertile soil and its solution is also effective in mosquito control. In my opinion, the liquid preparation of plant decomposers may be beneficial to stop the transmission of corona virus. We have to spray D2 solution in schools, hospitals and public places. For instance, the enzymes produced by decomposers are sprayed on plants to treat viruses on leaves.

Liquid preparation of plant decomposers is so powerful that it can stop the foul smelling of kitchen wastes within an hour. It may be effective in controlling COVID-19 transmission.

Shiva Narayan

School 2020


8 responses to “What is the organic control of corona virus and its transmission?”

  1. I really liked your blog name 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks ! You are most welcome.
      I tried to observe the biological measures of corona virus. It’s pandemic threatening the whole world.
      Be happy and stay safe.
      Happiness Classroom

      Liked by 1 person

  2. awesme blog name and post…….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks ! Corona virus has changed human life everywhere in the world. I have applied the study of biology to describe the organic control of its transmission. Plant decomposers were collected from the nature during monsoon and I am using its liquid preparation in my everyday life.
      Be happy and stay safe.


  3. Great tips out there. Poeple should shift to this organic control, but first actually believe it.. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s simple to make the liquid preparation of plant decomposers at home. The soil under old trees contains millions of decomposers or microbes and especially, the soil below decaying old leaves is more suitable for decomposition.

      I collected plant decomposers during monsoon and it took me four months to prepare decomposing beds of soil and the media of dry grass and plant wastes. It was my precaution that I did not use any kind of animal wastes.

      Only one time we have to use the collected soil to mix with the solution of jaggery and mustard cakes. After that culture is developed in jaggery solution for further use. It’s not difficult and anyone can make the liquid preparation of plant decomposers.

      I’m using the D2 solution of plant decomposers in spraying, washing and bathing. I have not used soaps for months and it’s working. Liquid preparation contains enzymes and organic acids that make skin and hair healthy. We live in the world of possibilities and many people will try to test the truth of plant decomposers and corona virus transmission.

      Thanks for the comments!
      Be happy and stay safe.
      Happiness Classroom

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a very great and insightful idea, and so easy too. Thanks for explaining this idea so precisely, it will help a lot.
        I was too deciding to try this out after reading your post, it seems so creative and so amusing. I’ll definitely try working out the way you explained.

        I’m so amused by the idea of the D2 solution as well, thanks for sharing this. I so much appreciate the efforts.
        Will let you know after having worked on this.

        You too be happy and safe.
        Have a great day ahead. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. […] What is the organic control of corona virus and its transmission? […]


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