School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Genius Brain Dimensions

Sixth and seventh dimensions of knowledge transfer are really the visualizing dimensions of Einstein’s genius brain to advance creativity in the domain of new knowledge. Then, what is the neuroscience of knowledge transfer? Actually, learnography is the neuroscience of knowledge transfer that deals with the working dimensions of student’s brain to make strong brainpage modules…

A chapter of mathematics is the mirror of learning process to observe and rehearse the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer

Most of the neuroscientists believe that prefrontal cortex is the genius area of human brain. It is localized in the motor areas of brain, anterior to central sulcus. In fact, prefrontal cortex deals with the logic circuits of knowledge transfer and acts as thought processing machine. There are five types of the fundamental thoughts such as cognitive thought, limbic thought, motor thought, intuitive thought and unconscious thought. In this way, the prefrontal cortex of chapter brain provides the working areas of brain mechanism for thought analysis and executive functions. Therefore, prefrontal cortex is the workplace of knowledge transfer and brainpage modulation, not the genius area of human brain.

Albert Einstein studied the universe by thinking visually, not verbally. In contrast, teacher to students verbal knowledge transfer is prescribed in school system for quality education.

School 2020

Einstein’s Genius Dimensions

Learnography is the neuroscience of knowledge transfer that deals with the working dimensions of brain to make brainpage and produce high performing students in the classroom. The sixth and seventh dimensions of knowledge transfer are really the visualizing dimensions of Einstein’s genius brain to advance creativity in the domain of new knowledge. Albert Einstein visualized and rehearsed the sixth and seventh dimensions of knowledge advancement in his genius brain to create the theories of relativity, mass energy equivalence and photo electric effect.

Michael Kevin Kearney

A child prodigy is defined in psychology as a person under the age of ten years old who produces meaningful extraordinary outcomes in some domain of knowledge to the level of an adult expert. Michael Kevin Kearney is well-known for setting several world records related to graduating school and university at a young age. I have watched the video of his MRI scanning that displayed large precuneus and visual cortex in the posterior region of brain. He also showed well-developed cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry while playing video games.

We know that learning is knowledge transfer to brain circuits. Learnography of the visual streams is the sixth dimension of knowledge transfer while visuo-spatial learnography is the seventh dimension of knowledge transfer. These both dimensions are well-developed in Michael’s prodigy brain. Cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry of the core brain has been placed as the fifth dimension of high speed learning transfer to modulate smart brainpage in the classroom. This is defined as the visuo-motor learnography of human brain in the brainpage theory of knowledge transfer.

Localization of genius area

I have localized the genius area of human brain by studying the right hemisphere of Einstein’s brain. Parieto-occipital sulcus is longer and there is massive growth in lower precuneus region and posterior cingulate cortex. It’s amazing that visuo-spatial learnography is well-developed in Einstein’s brain. I was applying the visuo-motor learnography of cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry for the seventh dimension of knowledge transfer. But I changed my mind after studying the neurological facts of Einstein’s brain. Now visuo-spatial learnography is the seventh dimension of knowledge transfer in the brainpage theory of school system. The area of precuneus, retrosplenial cortex and posterior cingulate cortex is considered as the genius area of human brain.

One of the bloggers suggested me about the software and hardware of human brain. Knowledge transfer, experience, imagination, cognitive behaviour and thought patterns are considered as the software of brain mechanism. It has some capacity to effect changes on the hardware of brain such as neural pathways, anatomical orientation and the bias of chemical and electrical sub-systems. After that he asked, “Is it at all possible for the subjective experience, functional and mental activity of a brain to reflexively influence, alter, inhibit or amplify neuroanatomical growth factors?”

I replied, “Yes, it’s possible in the brainpage theory of school learnography.” You have already described the software and hardware of knowledge transfer. Everything is learnt in brain and everything is done by brain. So learning transfer can bring physical changes in corresponding brain regions and this is known as neuroplasticity. We can improve neuronal activities in the genius area of human brain like Einstein’s brain by applying the visuo-spatial dimension of knowledge transfer. It’s true that the association areas of cerebral cortex are very big in size, localization and white matter projections. The brainpage module of definition spectrum develops in the association areas of cortical regions and this is the second dimension of learning transfer to brain circuits.

Knowledge transfer in object language

A chapter of mathematics is the mirror of learning process to observe and rehearse the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer in object language. It also reflects the learning circuits of human brain that can develop high performing students in school ecosystem. In education system, cognitive knowledge is processed in human language by applying the dimensions of teaching theories such as motivation, instruction and cognition.

In school learnography, motor knowledge is expressed in object language to conduct goal oriented task operation (GOTO) in the book to brain learning transfer of classroom. In geometry, Euclid’s construction is learnt in object language, not in human language. We can’t memorize the learning of Euclid’s theorems in human language. Hence, object language is required in knowledge transfer and brainpage development.

Zeid Knowledge

Brainpage school runs on the seven fields of knowledge transfer. There are five types of learning circuits in the working mechanism of brain learnography such as cognitive circuit, limbic circuit, motor circuit, intuitive circuit and zeid circuit. Well-developed visuo-spatial learnography is the identification of genius brain. Einstein himself claimed that he thought visually rather than verbally.

The genius area of brain is defined by the midline region of precuneus, retrosplenial cortex and posterior cingulate cortex. It projects the seventh dimension of knowledge transfer for high performing students. The visuo-motor learnography of cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry projects the fifth dimension of knowledge transfer known as module builder. All learning circuits are converged in the cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry of brain to produce enhanced zeid knowledge for high speed learning transfer.

Singularity of knowledge transfer in brainpage theory

Insular brain is defined as zeid brain in the brainpage theory of learnography. This is the central hub of learning transfer to modulate the brainpage of knowledge chapters through the working dimensions of student’s brain. Learning is knowledge transfer to student’s brain regions. All types of knowledge transfer are transformed into single behavioral output in the basal ganglia of brain. This is the singularity of brainpage theory. All types of learning such as limbic learning, cognitive learning and motor learning are converged in the basal ganglia circuitry of human brain to project single enhanced modulated motor learnography known as the composite knowledge of learning transfer.

Why is teaching always focused in school system?

Teaching theories are described in the performance of human language and it’s comfortable in listening and watching. The cognitive model of education is failing everywhere in the world. It runs on the dimensions of motivation, instruction and cognition and it’s not effective in the learning transfer of classroom. In fact, learnography is the school of knowledge transfer and brainpage development. We know that everything is learnt in brain and everything is done by brain. Learning is also knowledge transfer to student’s brain regions. Therefore, the neurological studies of brain anatomy are required to design the dimensions of knowledge transfer for high performing students.

What is the neuroscience of knowledge transfer?

Neuroscience of knowledge transfer is pivotal to the development of high performing students in school ecosystem. Obviously, learnography is the neuroscience of knowledge transfer that deals with the working dimensions of brain to make brainpage and produce high performing students in the classroom. The sixth and seventh dimensions of knowledge transfer are really the visualizing dimensions of Einstein’s genius brain to advance creativity in the domain of new knowledge. Students are trained in the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer to be small teachers in learning process and brainpage development.

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Shiva Narayan
Golden Star Secondary School
Rajbiraj, Nepal

Brainpage School

Happiness Classroom ! Book is the transfer source of knowledge and student’s brain is the transfer target of learning. To be high performing students, make brainpage in collaborative classroom by applying the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer. The motor science of knowledge transfer should be launched in the classroom for the learning development and brainpage modules of Autistic or ADHD students. Let the students use motor knowledge to make smart brainpage in the classroom from book to brain direct learning transfer. The cyclozeid of knowledge transfer is rehearsed in the classroom to produce high speed zeidstream in the working mechanism of brain circuits.