School Made For Knowledge Transfer


Change a classroom into the place of knowledge transfer by launching the learning dimensions, source books and miniature schools of structural and functional learnography. Whole education should be finished at the age of 20 years, and also students must be free and qualified to work after the age of 20 years. That’s the theme of…

Class learnography of student’s school system means goal-oriented task learning, concept writing in object language and making brainpage associaton modules in book to brain motor knowledge transfer.

Nitika with her Grand Mother

Learnography Developed by Shiva Narayan

Taxshila teachers go through the three stages of development in the motor science of knowledge transfer. These stages are pre-training students, pre-trained small teachers and knowledge transformers. Learnography, a system of brain-based knowledge transfer developed by Shiva Narayan, focuses on understanding how student’s brain learns and processes knowledge, learning and information in school system. It encompasses the dimensions of brainpage theory, which posits that the brain creates specific neural areas or brainpage modules, to store and retrieve knowledge transfer effectively.

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Benefits of Personalized Learning Experiences Learnography

Human Knowledge Development

  1. General Knowledge (सामान्य ज्ञान)
  2. Motor Knowledge (कर्म ज्ञान)
  3. Cognitive Knowledge (शास्त्र ज्ञान)
  4. Intuitive Knowledge (आत्म ज्ञान)
  5. Supreme Knowledge (परम ज्ञान)

Our mission is to revolutionize the way we learn, empowering students to become lifelong active learners and creators of new knowledge. – Shiva Narayan, Posts on the Blogger

Brain Learnography

This is the school of knowledge transfer in which the learning fields of brainpage theory are launched in the classroom like the workplace of learning transfer. Teaching is not necessary because students learn from brainpage books by applying the mathematical dimensions of learning mechanism. Everything is finished in school hours, so homework is not required for learning and writing at home. A classroom of small teachers is defined in school learnography to make high speed brainpage modules in book to brain learning transfer.

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Learnography of knowledge transfer is not running in school system

Teaching is knowledge transfer to teacher’s brain and learning is knowledge transfer to student’s brain. This is the second law of learnodynamics based on the facts and neurological studies of motor science.

Transformation of student’s motor knowledge runs on the cerebellar learnography of learning transfer.

Taxshila Teachers

Everything is learnt by using the working circuits of brain

Biologically, learning is knowledge transfer to one’s brain regions. High class teaching is provided in the classroom but nothing is transferred to student’s brain circuits in listening and watching. Take an academic test just after teaching and you will find the truth that teaching is the waste of school hours.

Actually, our brain is the school of knowledge transfer that defines our humanity, working ability and productive graduation. It makes us individuals what we are doing in our lives. Brain-parts are responsible for the generation of language and thoughts, attention and memory, behavior and imagination, and in this way for failure and success.

Neuroscience of Knowledge Transfer

Learnography runs on book to brain direct knowledge transfer

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Place of Knowledge Transfer

A student may be transformed into a small teacher if he attains the singularity of zeid knowledge during brainpage memory modulation. Learning is knowledge transfer to student’s brain regions. All types of knowledge transfer are transformed into the single behavioral output of composite motor knowledge in the basal ganglia circuitry of student’s brain. This is the singularity of brainpage theory based on the fifth dimension of knowledge transfer.

Children are intelligent in the motor science of knowledge transfer but they are bad in the application of cognitive science. In children, the motor circuits of brain are more developed than the logic and cognitive circuits of prefrontal cortex. Students should be allowed to make brainpage in the classroom using the motor science of knowledge transfer. Learnography is the school of knowledge transfer in which the learning fields of brainpage theory are launched in the classroom like the workplace of knowledge transfer using motor learning skills.

Pages on learnography and knowledge transfer

Change a classroom into the place of knowledge transfer by launching the learning dimensions, source books and miniature schools of structural and functional learnography. Whole education should be finished at the age of 20 years, and also students must be free and qualified to work after the age of 20 years. That’s the theme of School 2020 !

Shiva Narayan
Golden Star Secondary School
Rajbiraj (Nepal)

Brainpage School

Happiness Classroom ! Book is the transfer source of knowledge and student’s brain is the transfer target of learning. To be high performing students, make brainpage in collaborative classroom by applying the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer. The motor science of knowledge transfer should be launched in the classroom for the learning development and brainpage modules of Autistic or ADHD students. Let the students use motor knowledge to make smart brainpage in the classroom from book to brain direct learning transfer. The cyclozeid of knowledge transfer is rehearsed in the classroom to produce high speed zeidstream in the working mechanism of brain circuits.