School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Three Levels of Taxshila Model School System Based on Learnography

By embracing the principles of learnography and innovative knowledge transfer techniques, the Taxshila Model provides a pathway to success for students, helping them achieve their full potential and become lifelong motor learners.

Taxshila Model School System is an innovative educational framework designed to optimize learning potential, develop essential skills and prepare students for success in the modern world.

This system is divided into three distinct levels: Pre Taxshila, Taxshila Core and Post Taxshila. Each level is carefully structured to build upon the previous one, ensuring a comprehensive and cohesive knowledge transfer journey.

Let’s explore these three levels of taxshila model in detail:

1. Pre Taxshila Level (Age 5-10 years): Laying the Foundation

Pre Taxshila Level serves as the starting point for young learners, focusing on students aged 5 to 10 years. This foundational stage is all about pre-training and building the essential skills of brainpage writing that students will need as they progress through their academic journey.

  • Objective
  • Approach
  • Outcomes

Objective: The primary goal at this level is to introduce basic learning concepts and develop fundamental cognitive skills. This includes fostering curiosity, encouraging exploration by page reading and instilling a love for the learning of knowledge transfer.

Approach: Transfer books are designed to be engaging and interactive, with an emphasis on hands-on motor activities, task-based learning and brainpage experiential knowledge transfer. This approach helps young students absorb information naturally and develop critical thinking skills from an early age.

Outcomes: By the end of this stage, students are expected to have a solid understanding of basic concepts and be well-prepared for more advanced learning. They will have developed the ability to process information effectively and be ready to tackle the challenges of the next level.

2. Taxshila Core Level (Age 10-14 years): Power of Transformation

Taxshila Core Level is a transformative stage for students aged 10 to 14 years. This level focuses on creating pre-trained students who are equipped with essential cognitive skills and a strong academic foundation.

  • Objective
  • Approach
  • Dimensions of Learnography
  • Outcomes

Objective: The primary aim here is to deepen the students’ understanding of core subjects while introducing them to advanced concepts. This level is designed to enhance their learning capabilities and prepare them for higher education.

Approach: A key feature of this level is the One Day One Book System. This is an innovative method that allows students to immerse themselves in a single subject each day. This deep dive approach helps students gain a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, promotes retention and fosters critical thinking.

Dimensions of Learnography: This level integrates the dimensions of system learnography, which leverages the natural learning processes of brain. Techniques such as brainpage development are emphasized, encouraging students to actively engage with the material and transform information into long-term knowledge modules.

Outcomes: Students emerge from this stage with a robust academic foundation, critical thinking skills and the ability to apply their knowledge in various contexts. They are well-prepared for the advanced challenges of the next level.

3. Post Taxshila Level (Age 14-20 years): Becoming Knowledge Module Transformers

The final stage of Taxshila Model is the Post Taxshila Level, which spans ages 14 to 20. This level is designed to produce knowledge module transformers. These students are not only well-educated but also ready to enter the workforce or pursue research scholar level education.

  • Objective
  • Approach
  • Outcomes

Objective: The main goal is to ensure that students complete their education with a master’s degree by the age of 20. This accelerated timeline allows students to enter the professional world sooner, armed with a comprehensive motor skill set and a deep understanding of their chosen field.

Approach: This level builds on the foundational and transformative learnography provided in the earlier stages. It focuses on advanced academic coursework, specialized training and the practical application of knowledge transfer. Apprenticeships and real-world experiences are integral to this stage, bridging the gap between academic and professional life.

Outcomes: By the end of this level, students are fully prepared to tackle the challenges of the modern workforce or pursue further academic endeavors. They possess not only extensive knowledge but also practical skills, critical thinking ABILITIES and the resilience needed to succeed in their careers.

A Pathway to Success for Students

Taxshila Model School System offers a holistic and progressive approach to education, ensuring that students are well-prepared at every stage of their academic journey.

From the foundational skills developed in the Pre Taxshila Level to the transformative learning experiences in the Taxshila Core Level and the advanced preparation in the Post Taxshila Level, this model fosters a love for learning, critical thinking and real-world readiness.

By embracing the principles of learnography and innovative knowledge transfer techniques, the Taxshila Model provides a pathway to success for students, helping them achieve their full potential and become lifelong motor learners.

Three Levels of Taxshila Model School System Based on Learnography

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