School Made For Knowledge Transfer

How can We Harvest Plant Decomposers in the Farmer’s Field?

Virgin soil is not cultivated soil. It means plant decomposers make virgin soil habitat to multiply in natural surroundings and produce a large amount of humus soluble in water to increase soil fertility.

One of the village farmers cut branches and collected green shoots from the forest. He spread these green branches of shrubs over the cultivated land and left these shoots for three months without adding anything. The soil became fertile for one crop.

It was an amazing observation to convert cultivated land into virgin soil by growing plant decomposers. We can collect virgin soil from the farmer’s field, where green shoots were spread for three months. Then it is added to jaggery solution to multiply plant decomposers.

Plant decomposers make the farmer’s fields fertile for better cultivation. The quality of soil improves when plant decomposers are grown in the farming.

Types of plant decomposers

  • D1 – Virgin soil jaggery solution decomposers
  • D2 – Mustard cake decomposers
  • D3 – Besan powder decomposers
  • D4 – Rock jaggery decomposers
  • D5 – Five grains decomposers
  • D6 – Green leaves decomposers
  • D7 – Cowdung cake decomposers
  • D8 – Decaying leaves decomposers
  • D9 – Lassi decomposers
  • D10 – Leaf mold decomposers

Virgin Soil

The liquid preparation of plant decomposers is made from the culture of virgin soil. It is collected under old trees where microbes and other organisms develop beneath decaying fallen leaves in natural environment. Virgin soil is not cultivated soil. It means plant decomposers make virgin soil habitat to multiply in natural surroundings and produce a large amount of humus soluble in water.

D1 solution is made from cultured soil, 2 kg of jaggery and 200 l of water in plastic drum. It becomes strong enough when one dried flake of cow dung is put into the drum to float in the liquid preparation of decomposers for three days.

Chemical control for corona virus is suggested everywhere in the world but it is expensive and does not work for long time. Organic control is simple and we can make the liquid preparation of plant decomposers at home.

Government authorities are working with chemical control and it is not successful in the community. People are suggested to stay at home, keep social distancing with face mask and use chemical sanitizer.

It would be beneficial to control the transmission of harmful germs like corona virus, by spraying the 5% liquid preparation of plant decomposers at home or surroundings. Taking a table spoon of mountain natural honey can protect human body from the infection of corona virus.

Visit the Taxshila Model for More Information

Meaning of Tailored Content and Personalized Learning in Student Learnography

Personalized learning journeys are brainpage writing frameworks that tailor knowledge transfer to meet the unique needs and preferences of each student. This transfer approach recognizes that learners have diverse backgrounds, strengths and challenges, and therefore require a customized approach to maximize their potential.

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