School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Happiness Classroom Designed as the Workplace of Knowledge Transfer for Learning Brain

The division into smaller and manageable units allows for a more personalized and focused approach to learning, catering to the unique needs and learning styles of individual students. This modular setup ensures that each student can progress at their own pace, mastering concepts thoroughly before moving on to more complex topics.

In the innovative learnography framework, Brainpage School runs on the theme of happiness classroom. It stands as a transformative workplace for knowledge transfer, fundamentally altering how students engage with learning and knowledge transfer. This novel concept redefines the traditional classroom environment, placing the student’s learning brain at the center of knowledge transfer experience.

By focusing on creating a positive and engaging atmosphere, the happiness classroom aims to foster a deeper, more meaningful connection between students and the material they study. This approach not only enhances academic performance but also nurtures emotional well-being and intellectual curiosity, ensuring that learning becomes a joyful and fulfilling endeavor.

Innovative Learnography: Intellectual Growth

Brainpage Schools operate on the foundational principles of these happiness classrooms, emphasizing the seamless transfer of knowledge and the development of brainpage modules. In this context, brainpage writing refers to the cognitive processes and memory structures that form as students internalize and apply new information.

The happiness classroom of knowledge transfer is designed to facilitate this process through a supportive and dynamic learning environment, where students actively participate in their subject learnography. By prioritizing happiness and engagement, Brainpage Schools ensure that students are not merely the passive recipients of teaching but the active constructors of their own knowledge creation, leading to more robust and lasting learning outcomes.

At the heart of happiness classroom lies the concept of miniature school, which serves as its fundamental building block of student learnography. Each happiness classroom is divided into seven miniature schools, each tailored to implement the Classroom Operating System (CROS) effectively. These miniature schools are designed to manage the flow of knowledge transfer and facilitate brainpage development in a structured yet flexible manner.

The division into smaller and manageable units allows for a more personalized and focused approach to learning, catering to the unique needs and learning styles of individual students. This modular setup ensures that each student can progress at their own pace, mastering concepts thoroughly before moving on to more complex topics.

The implementation of CROS within the miniature schools is crucial for optimizing the flow of knowledge transfer. CROS provides a systematic framework for organizing and delivering knowledge transfer content, ensuring that students can build and reinforce their brainpage writing efficiently.

Within these miniature schools, students engage in collaborative and independent activities that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving and practical application of knowledge. This structured yet adaptable approach creates a cohesive learning experience that integrates the various aspects of cognitive development, making the process of knowledge acquisition both comprehensive and enjoyable.

In fact, the happiness classroom in Brainpage School represents a revolutionary approach to student knowledge transfer. It is focusing on the holistic development of students through the strategic implementation of miniature schools and the Classroom Operating System.

By creating a positive and stimulating learning environment, these classrooms not only enhance academic achievement but also promote the overall well-being and intellectual growth of students. The innovative structure of happiness classrooms and the use of CROS ensure that knowledge transfer is effective and engaging, preparing students to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Students apply the motor circuits of brain in learning process by using pencil power and finger mapping. In fact, motor knowledge is the source of real knowledge transfer.

Watching video or listening to teaching is the source of virtual knowledge transfer. Many things won’t be clear in understanding when students try to use this knowledge in problem solving activities

The system of period teaching theories can turn the high performing effective classroom of school ecosystem into the unproductive sand of big desert. And the teacher’s hard work goes in vain.

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School Models: Virtual Knowledge Transfer vs Real Knowledge Transfer

Watching video or listening to class teaching is the source of virtual knowledge transfer. Many things won’t be clear in understanding when students try to use this virtual knowledge in problem solving activities. Students apply the motor circuits of brain in learning process by using pencil power and finger mapping. In fact, motor knowledge is the source of real knowledge transfer.