School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Learning mechanism of brain conducts phases of learning to make smart brainpage

Primary learning of brain is first degree of learnography and children possess this aptitude by birth. Learning of higher degree is acquired by knowledge proficiency and skill development.

Genetically human beings are capable of building the functional sequences from the behavior and structure of objects. Thus, children are talent enough in the learning of second or higher degree knowledge chapter.

The communicative energy of children could be used effectively for the learning process of skill and knowledge in the suitable modes of brain. Learnodynamics describes the learning mechanism of brain and it is found very active in young children.

Hence teaching is not essential in each of the knowledge modules performed in the learning process. Children should be given the opportunity of blackboard operation to utilize natural ability for the learning of modern science and technology.

Phase of Learning : There are scanning phase, outline phase, formatting phase, modular phase and update phase. Brain learnography runs under these five phases of task processing to write the smart page of school chapters.

What is the intelligence of human beings?

We often follow procedural knowledge but the formatting ability of brain is real intelligence. Formatting power develops from skill development and this is the natural ability of human brain developed by the DNA sequence of genetic design. It improves through the practice of spectrum, patterns, template and formula.

The format phase of learnography has been designed to improve the formatting ability of brain and it helps in the building of required solution. Therefore, it is prepared from the set of master objects, sequences and child objects respectively.

The brain mapping of this phase is opposite to scanning and outline phases. The scholars must be able to differentiate learning map (scanning, outline) from building map (formator and solver).

Children are given the learnographic lessons of subject matter to build up themselves as the big teachers of their standard make brainpage during classroom performance. They will be transformed into the hard and dedicated learnographers of their class.

The architecture of learnography consists of some highly effective components such as missing layers of intelligence, living and dynamic blackboard effect, phases of learning, structural behavior of functional objects and classroom of small teachers.

School teachers are modified into task moderators and they do not present teaching performance in classroom. Learnography describes the theory of father teacher, supreme teacher, big teacher and small teacher to constitute the learning force of school operation.

Task moderator supports the children to make brainpage in the learning process. Scholars are the small teachers (students) of classroom and they go through the phases of learning to finish their problem solving work themselves over 80%.

Children bear huge amount of communicative characters and this hidden ability is used in learnography to finish the learning of subject matter. Zeid factor is the hidden working potential of learning brain to challenge the hardships of knowledge chapters.

The definition address and naming address of objects are brought into the sequences of action. This action gives a result which is tested or analyzed by brain in the form of yes/no, true/false or useful/harmful. This is the rational capacity of learning mechanism to correct mistakes in learning process.

What is the driving force of learning process?

Interest to see the result of an event is observed very high in children. This is the learnodynamics of brain modulation. They produce enormous communicative energy to learn the functional sequences of action and result.

The primary learning of brain is the first degree of learnography and children possess this aptitude by birth. But the learning of higher degrees is achieved by the proficiency of knowledge and skill development.

The learning of knowledge chapters must be categorized into classified degrees. The schooling describes the second degree or higher degrees of learning and scholars need the studies or institution to obtain the proficiency of prescribed courses.

The chapter of knowledge and skill consists of definition, naming address and function of objects which are displayed on the proper form of sequence.

It has been observed that children are rich in communicative energy and they are ingenious to conduct the communication with objects and enquire into facts by taking help from friends, seniors or family members.

They have also the ability of making definition and name of objects. In education, understanding is followed by learning but brainpage learning is followed by understanding in learnography.

The hidden ability of human brain is unique in learning and it is defined by zeid factor to know difficult chapter and overcome hardships in learning process.

Primary learning of brain is first degree of learnography and children possess this aptitude by birth. Learning of higher degree is acquired by knowledge proficiency and skill development.

Shiva Narayan Jha
Golden Star Secondary School
Rajbiraj, Nepal


2 responses to “Learning mechanism of brain conducts phases of learning to make smart brainpage”

  1. rania Avatar

    very interesting


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