School Made For Knowledge Transfer

Students produced as small teachers in structural, functional and collaborative classroom

Intuition is the ocean of dark knowledge where we can find all types of definitions, matrix and spectrum for the objects, formator and solver of smartpage to generate learning potentials in classroom learnography.

Students become small teachers in collaborative classroom while applying the brainpage theory of motor science for book to brain knowledge transfer

Learning habits developed in school system

Most valuable page is the brainpage of knowledge transfer. It is powerful to use mistakes for modular learnographs. Marker is activated to run rational functions in the logic circuits of prefrontal cortex. In fact, learning habit becomes dependable in educational teaching and students seek private tutors or coaching classes in extra time. Intuitive knowledge never improves and there will be the minimum chances of creativity or innovation for the advancement of science and technology. In direct school system, students are transformed into small teachers in problem solving activities. They get skill, knowledge and merit from the object language of source books. For this, learnography is an essential system of brain learning in which school runs on the brainpage modulation of knowledge chapters.

Object learning and text learning

The system of direct school has been designed on the facts and findings of brain science and learning mechanism. The biology of human brain is required to advance the performance of direct school system. Young brain prefers object learning to text learning. Teaching in education system provides the artificial learning of human brain. That is why text learning becomes hard in the knowledge processing of cerebral cortex . We need the system of natural learning that is the object learning of learnography . It is simple and comfortable for the procedural learning of human brain like bicycle riding.

Knowledge Spectrum

Intuitive knowledge cannot be transferred to student’s brain by applying the teaching theories of cognitive science. We can see the structure and functionality of knowledge in textbooks or reference books. The knowledge of mathematics, science and literature is written in object language by defining encapsulation, derivation and polymorphism. The naming address and definition address of subject matter are the fundamentals of object language. Zeid is the miniature of knowledge formed by naming address which deals with the identity, state and relation of learning spectrum.

Dimension of block solver

Subject teacher reads and understands the course chapter in object language and then interprets it in human language for classroom teaching. Zeid energy or learning potential of brainpage must be used in making the modules of maths chapter such as trigonometry, algebra and geometry. Zeid force is applied in the learning mechanism of brain systems to open the window of knowledge chapters. Then cyclozeid is loaded in learning stream to launch the cycling, imaging and mapping of subject matter as the spectrum of knowledge segments, blocks or micro-solvers.

Big teachers and small teachers

School system enables students to meet with the difficulties and problems of learning chapters. If time is spent on teaching activities in classroom system, brainpage learning system will vanish and the teacher will start to lead active role in classroom situation. It will adversely affect the system in future and small blackboard operators will begin to disappear. Students must use their talents and potentiality to deliver good performance in problem solving classroom. This is the training of small teachers. The institution requests all the concerning individuals to support the children in learning process and develop them as the smart operators of knowledge transfer in classroom learning.

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Brainpage School

Happiness Classroom ! Book is the transfer source of knowledge and student’s brain is the transfer target of learning. To be high performing students, make brainpage in collaborative classroom by applying the seven dimensions of knowledge transfer. The motor science of knowledge transfer should be launched in the classroom for the learning development and brainpage modules of Autistic or ADHD students. Let the students use motor knowledge to make smart brainpage in the classroom from book to brain direct learning transfer. The cyclozeid of knowledge transfer is rehearsed in the classroom to produce high speed zeidstream in the working mechanism of brain circuits.


8 responses to “Students produced as small teachers in structural, functional and collaborative classroom”

  1. Where have you been?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks ! I’m okay now. I’ll start writing again but it’s difficult to focus my thoughts and findings on a specific topic. I am sorry I missed a lot. Thank you very much
      Happiness Classroom


  2. I believe this was the concept of the Montessori system. Unfortunately, I worry about the children who are not learning nor socializing because of the virus. Psychologically, I believe this will leave some scars unless we move beyond this quarantining of us all.

    Interesting post!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks ! It’s true that children are suffering mentally and socially in this lockdown period due to pandemic situation. But they can compensate the loss of learning by making brainpage at home.

      Parents can use matrix book and spectrum book for knowledge transfer and brainpage requirements.

      You are most welcome!
      Happiness Classroom

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Amazing..Hope you also visit my blog and give me some feedback as i am a beginner and your feedback matters me a lot!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your content is just amazing!!!
    Loved the way you presented, amd interacted with every aspect of learning. Good to see something different in your blog
    Keep sharing!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, you are most welcome ! It’s absolutely different approach to the school of knowledge transfer contrasting to the teaching theories of conventional education.

      Stay Safe
      Happiness Classroom

      Liked by 2 people

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